Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Yards Saison

Yards Brewing Company

Yards Saison - 6.5% ABV

Rating: 3.0 out of 5.0

"Saisons were historically brewed to keep the farmhands happy and hydrated during the warm summer months. Crafted using Belgian pilsen malt and candi sugar, this golden Belgian style ale is a refreshing change from your usual beer lineup."

So this one pours to a hazy burnt gold color. Like most Saisons I've had the beer opens with a big yeasty and spicy aroma that fades to cloves and banana/tropical fruit. In terms of aroma very enticing. However I have to say I am a bit disappointed. When you sip it you immediately get this very dry and I thought a bit overly sweet taste. Not much spice up front like you'd expect given the aroma you smell. You're expecting something that never quite shows up fully. Very little hop flavor to cut some of that dry sweetness. If you like that sort of flavor then you'll probably enjoy this more than I did. The beer does mellow out and finish with a nice crisp and slightly peppery tropical fruit taste. So it finished better then it started. All in all a good beer don't get me wrong, but just a bit lacking in depth and balance. Especially compared to other Saisons such as the one from Heavy Seas I tried earlier in the week. Worth trying but if I had my choice I'd go with other Saisons with a bit more balance.

A good brew but due to the slight issue with balance I'm going to give it just a 3 out of 5.

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