Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Avalanche Amber Ale

Breckenridge Brewery of Colorado

Avalanche Amber Ale - 5.4% ABV

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.0

"Subtlety. That's what makes our Avalanche amber ale such a treat. We blend pale and caramel malts – and just a kiss of bittering hops – to create a refreshing-but-flavorful, any-time beer. Aromas of pale grains, a semi-sweet middle and a clean-as-Colorado-snow finish make this our best-selling beer."

For such talk about subtlety from them I'd have expected.....well....subtlety. This is supposedly an amber ale but I swear half the time I was thinking is smelled and tasted almost like a red lager. Anyways, this amber ale does pour to a nice amber color so at least no false advertisement there heh. It actually has a nice creamy white head but mine had died down by the time I got the camera. It doesn't have a really strong smell but what I did get aromas of were sweet malt, spice, and slight hops. As for taste you do get the sweet, slightly bitter, caramel malt flavor up front and a mild bitter fruity hop aftertaste. The flavors were rather mild as was the aroma. The taste was almost a little watery as if the flavors had been thinned out some. Nothing fancy or great but nothing bad. So as I said before I was expecting more subtlety. More.....something. It's not bad but it just didn't live up to the self proclaimed hype I thought. I do like it and it is good but not extraordinary. Worth giving a try though. Have their Vanilla Porter in the fridge so hopefully that one will have stronger more dominant flavors and kick it up some.

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